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Christina Bluhme

I aim to reveal to pet gundog guardians the incredible potential and abilities of their canine companions and to help humans better understand and develop more profound connections with their gundogs.

I am passionate about ethically achieving the best possible results by revolutionizing gundog training methods and applying the latest science and rewardbased training methods without force or fear. I apply breed-specific techniques using a fun and game-based approach.

My experience goes more than 25 years back, and my fascination with gundog breeds has grown stronger. I have pursued learning from the best trainers worldwide and am certified as a Karen Pryor Certified trainer, gundog instructor and registered with the ATBC.

Today, I run Dogitivity, a dog training business located in the UK. Every day, I enjoy working with incredible learners - those with two legs and four.


01 Jul 2024
Bluhme Christina Bluhme

Recall Revolution: How to Transform your so-so Recall to a Rocket Recall

Your Journey With Your Pet Gundog Begins Here!